Musings on color management, CHROMiX products and services and other relevant topics.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

ICC version 4.3

The International Color Consortium has just released version 4.3 of the ICC specification today.

Information at the ICC website is here:

We will be looking into what changes are included in this new version, and reporting on it.  New profiles are often a consequence of a new specification like this, but there is no word about when new profiles will be forthcoming.


  1. I purchased a Spyder4 Elite about a week ago. I love it! It helped me create a color profile for my Hannspree LCD Monitor and the color is awesome. Now I need a custom printer profile for my CanonMG6120 (ink jet).

  2. Thanks for the input Jeffrey,
    CHROMiX can made custom printer profiles for your Canon, or we can get you the equipment for you to make them yourself.
