Musings on color management, CHROMiX products and services and other relevant topics.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

ColorThink as Art

We always love to see how our software is used in your work.   I was browsing the website for Eizo displays and was surprised to find a screenshot of our ColorThink Pro software among the scrolling slides on their homepage. 

Evidently a marketing person at Eizo is making use of the beauty of these colorful 3D gamuts as seen in the ColorThink Pro 3D Grapher.  Sometimes we forget how beautiful color is!

Thursday, November 5, 2020


 Curve4 in Scandinavia!  

Brobygrafiska  is the top graphic arts school for graphic artists in Sweden and Denmark.  As they say on their website, they have their roots in printing, and they look forward to digital innovation of the future.  Located in Sunne, Sweden, they are now using Curve4 to share the beauty of G7 with fans in Scandinavia.  It's great to see more G7 goodness spread around the world! 

Mycket bra!

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

3D printing to fight CoVid-19

3D printing is being used to create adhesive stickers that can be attached to surgical masks.  The 3D printer lays down nanometric fibers coated with antiseptics – which improves the trapping of nanometric particles and efficiently neutralizes viruses from droplets that might reach the mask.

The project is in a pilot phase at the moment.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Say goodbye to an old friend

i1Pro - Rev A

You knew this day was coming color management geeks.  With the release of its latest version of i1Profler, X-Rite has revealed that its flagship software will no longer support the earliest models of the i1Pro spectrophotometer. 

The i1Pro first came to market in 2001 which is a million years ago in digital imaging years. It has been a stalwart component of the color management toolbox for years.  Even after X-Rite came out with the i1Pro 2 and now the i1Pro 3 & the i1Pro 3 Plus,  there were quite a few of these original units floating around in the industry.   If you still have one of these older i1Pros (Rev A, B, C or D), then know that they will no longer operate on the newest version of i1Profiler: version 3.2 or newer.