Musings on color management, CHROMiX products and services and other relevant topics.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

CHROMiX and HutchColor Announce Curve+

For Immediate Release:
January 18, 2024 - CHROMiX and HutchColor Announce Curve+, an upgrade to Curve4 that will fully support the new G7+ specification.

Curve+ is the next generation of software built on Curve4's Verify, Calibrate and Blend tools, and will include G7+ calibration and verification functions, such as the new High Density Smoothing (HDS) feature. The software also retains the ability to perform original G7 functions with many other new features to be announced at a later date.

Don Hutcheson, inventor of G7 and G7+ said, "After an amazing 19 years without change, G7 is still as popular as ever, but as technologies and markets evolved, so did G7.”

Curve+ will be offered as an upgrade to Curve4 users and is planned to release immediately before the PRINTING United Technical Event Series (which includes Color2024 and TAGA2024) this March 12-14 in Dallas, Texas. Existing Curve4 users with valid licenses will be able to upgrade to Curve+ for an upgrade fee. Curve4 users who purchased a license after January 1, 2024 will only need to pay the price difference between their Curve4 license and the appropriate Curve+ license.

This announcement has been slightly edited from the original version to clarify our message and Printing United's announcement of G7+

This release contains forward-looking statements that reflect HutchColor and CHROMiX views on software products and release dates. Such statements are naturally subject to risks and uncertainties and product availability and features may change.